Monday, April 20, 2015

Clear Lake & Chicago: Family Fun, Mommy Fun

Disclosure: In exchange for traveling with the Clear Lake Chamber to Chicago with a fabulous group of North Iowa Bloggers, I have agreed to write several posts about the trip. All of the opinions in my posts regarding this trip are honest and my own thoughts about the services we receive.

With summer quickly approaching you'd think it would be easier to find more family time and fun places to go. But in our crazy world, that just isn't the case, so I'm continuing to make an effort to get my kids places and give them amazing family experiences. Where do you go for ideas? Your own childhood, of course. Growing up in northern Iowa, I actually didn't make it to Clear Lake much until I was in high school. What got me up to Clear Lake? Friends and dating, of course!

The Barrel Drive-In has always been a favorite! Heading to The Barrel with friends is one of my favorite memories, from the iconic chicken out front to the delicious fried chicken inside, I can't wait to take my kids back here this summer now that they've re-opened. And can I tell you a secret? I'm obsessed with the lettuce salads there. I know it's just salad, but I think it's because they remind of what I would eat at home with my family growing up. 

Concerts in City Park, fireworks over the lake on the 4th of July, and music and events at the Surf Ballroom are all part of my teenage years. That's why I didn't wait until my kids were teenagers to start bringing them to Clear Lake. 

The 4th of July parade is a favorite of ours. We started going when our oldest was just a baby. You're always sure to catch the next up and coming political candidates in Clear Lake during the summer! R actually ended up in a Mitt Romney commercial after she jumped into his arms at the Clear Lake 4th of July parade to give him a hug. Birthday parties while camping, the Earth Day 5K, and the Clear Lake Farmer's Market are all woven into the fabric of our family adventures. I even just moved our family dentist to Carney and Sorensen Family Dentistry in Clear Lake after an excellent emergency visit. 

So anyway, when I was offered an opportunity to travel with the Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce and Air Choice One in May, I was super pumped. An opportunity to continue exploring all the great things Clear Lake has to offer, AND travel to Chicago via the new air carrier serving the Clear Lake/Mason City area? I'm in. On my last trip to Chicago for gymnastics with the kids, we drove, but a couple of our optional team members actually opted to fly on Air Choice One and they were beyond impressed with the quick connection! When you're a midwest gymnast, the Chicago area offers all kinds of competitive opportunities, so having this as an option is incredibly fortunate. 

I can't wait for all kinds of blogger fun in Chicago, finding more adventures to share with my family and with you all. While you're waiting for those adventures, though, check out the Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce and their tourism blog - they're always ready for questions from visitors!

1 comment:

  1. I somehow missed your post on this! Can't wait to finally meet you in person and enjoy our time in Chicago!!! Very excited!
