Val, of Corn, Beans, Pigs, & Kids, said they start their gardens on Mother's Day weekend. You'd think I'd take farmer advice, but the kids (okay, me) were too excited to wait, so since it was supposed to be beautiful weather, and also because I can pick the containers up and move them if I need to, we started planting last Sunday.
First, we picked up these great colored tubs for $5 each at Walmart, bought 25lb of potting soil, researched types of plants that grow well in Iowa, and dug in (pun intended). Next, we did some reading and measuring - how deep to plant the seeds, how far apart we needed to plant, when we should plant, etc. I drilled holes in the bottoms of the tubs for draining purposes, and my little gymnast hauled the dirt out of the garage to the front yard. That's what conditioning is for, right? Hauling large bags of dirt?
I'm terrified, because I have visions of living a similar experience to what Jeni of Jeni Eats calls "the great container garden disaster of 2012." Except I have kids who will be crazy disappointed. Maybe I can invent a garden fairy - you know, buy some plants from a nursery and stick them in the pots in the middle of the night. Maybe the tooth fairy isn't the only fairy in our neighborhood. If all else fails, I'll pull a page from the book of Beth Ann at It's Just Life and maybe we'll make some amazing garden themed treats!
For those interested in getting their garden on, Alicia of Fit and Farm has info about the Natural Plus Nursery open house! Be sure to click through all the North Iowa Blogger links above to check out all the different perspectives on planting, gardening, and Natural Plus Nursery, as well as to enter the giveaway!
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